Sustainable development charter.
All establishments that belong to Groupe Floirat are committed to a global eco-responsible approach by which they assert their willingness to implement actions that safeguard their staff and foster environmental preservation while also contributing to the local economy.
This charter is founded upon 5 key commitments, the ultimate goal of which is to reduce our environmental impact by various means in order to ensure a more sound & healthy future for our children.
Waste and used product management:
- Optimization of waste sorting procedures (wooden crates, plastic cups, glass, batteries… etc.).
- Re-use of organic waste: compost, substrate or animal food.
- Provision of specific collection containers in all oces for recycling all types of paper.
- Adaptation of our purchasing policy in favor of eco-responsible cleaning products, (use of white vinegar and baking soda in majority).
- Digitization of stay confirmations, invoices and other digital documents.
Integrated water resources management:
- Installation of low water consumption equipment and regular checks for potential leaks.
- Raising guests' awareness of our "change only on request" policy with regard to bedroom and bathroom linen.
- Creation of specific laundry programs aimed at preventing unnecessary wastage (detergent, water, energy).
Optimum energy consumption:
- Gradual replacement of 100W light bulbs by low-consumption or LED light sources.
- Installing movement detectors for lighting up communal areas.
- Encouraging guests to adopt alternative means of local transport by making bicycles available, or by suggesting walking tours.
- Installation of electric vehicle charging stations in all Groupe Floirat establishments.
Socially-oriented initiatives:
- Implementation of a travel bonus, as part of the sustainable mobility package, for sta who uses an electric, means of transport from home to the workplace.
- Staff training and awareness sessions on the key stakes of sustainable development.
- Fostering dialogue with staff by optimizing their working conditions (e.g. accommodation assistance, etc.).
- Recruitment and HR management policies founded on equality, diversity and human rights.
- Beach cleaning actions with the staff of the Groupe Floirat establishments
Enhancing the local economy:
- Vegetable garden in all Groupe Floirat hotels.
- Systematic use of local, seasonal and, wherever possible, organic produce.
- Promotion of local producers in breakfast items, in minibars and on restaurant menus.
- Constant reduction in numbers of deliveries and product sourcing within a close radius.