Groupe Floirat, 2 January 2021

The well-being and the safety of all our guests and staff members remain our utmost priority.

behalf of every single member of our staff, Groupe Floirat would like to express its thanks for your trust in our ability to serve and to say how delighted we are to welcome you.

Above and beyond our compliance with all common health & safety standards imposed by our profession, we have also implemented within our hotels a specific code of practice for the exceptional circumstances that we are currently undergoing and that is in line with the stringent recommendations issued by the French government.The well-being and the safety of all our guests and staff members remain our utmost priority.

Please find hereafter a non-exhaustive list of the key measures that we have decided to implement in our hotels :

- Each hotel has a designated person to ensure that health & safety measures are implemented and complied with,

- All members of staff have been fully trained in the key preventive actions and the new procedures implemented in order to ensure your safety,

- All our hotels now provide the opportunity to perform remote Check-In prior to your arrival,

- Installation of a protective glass screen at all reception desks as an additional precaution,

- Widespread use of signs reminding everyone of the key preventive actions to adopt,

- Laying down of social distancing floor markers wherever necessary,

- Mandatory use of masks by all staff in contact with guests, along with any specifically required protective equipment,

- Systematic disinfection of all "communal areas and contact zones" (e.g. elevators, handles, switches, telephones…) several times each day. Strict procedures are implemented for each specific area. Full details will be provided on posters displayed throughout each hotel,

- Provision of hand sanitizer in all publicly-accessible areas,

- Daily disinfection of guests' rooms in compliance with strict procedures and using approved equipment and products,

- Restaurant service with a selection of local and seasonal produce, in compliance with standards in force and social distancing rules,

Last but not least, we would like to remind you that it is everyone's responsibility to comply with the French government's recommendations for limiting the spread of the virus and preserving public health. We are counting on you to support our efforts as together we are stronger. Thank you for your cooperation!

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